
This4.8kmhikefromWongNaiChungReservoir(nearParkview)toStanleywilltrulytestyourlimits.,ApairofmountainsinsouthernHongKong.TheyareapopulardestinationforhikersandfitnessenthusiastsaspartoftherigorousVioletHill-TheTwinsHike.,孖崗山位於港島南區赤柱以北,高海拔386米,由兩座高度相近的山崗組成,故命名為「孖崗山」。每年12月至翌年2月期間,山坡上佈滿了白色的大頭茶花。山路兩旁北面連接淺水灣 ...,TheTwinPea...

The Twin Peaks & Violet Hill Hike, Hong Kong

This 4.8 km hike from Wong Nai Chung Reservoir (near Parkview) to Stanley will truly test your limits.

The Twins, Hong Kong

A pair of mountains in southern Hong Kong. They are a popular destination for hikers and fitness enthusiasts as part of the rigorous Violet Hill-The Twins Hike.

孖崗山The Twins |行山路線‧ 資訊

孖崗山位於港島南區赤柱以北,高海拔386米,由兩座高度相近的山崗組成,故命名為「孖崗山」。每年12月至翌年2月期間,山坡上佈滿了白色的大頭茶花。山路兩旁北面連接淺水灣 ...

Twin Peaks and Violet Hill Hike

The Twin Peaks and Violet Hill Hike in Hong Kong is often hailed as one of the most demanding yet rewarding trails on the island.

Twin Peaks|Tseung Kwan O|Estate Info

TWIN PEAKS is located in Tseung Kwan O (Sai Kung District) (Address: 9 CHI SHIN STREET, HMA: Tseung Kwan O). The Date of Occupation starts from 2016.06.01.

Twin Peaks and Hikes, Southern, Hong Kong

評分 4.6 (786) The Twin Peaks also known as Ma Kong Shan (孖崗山) / Stanley O Twin Peaks are a pair of mountains that are popular to tourists and locals.

Twin Peaks, Southern, Hong Kong - 784 Reviews, Map

評分 4.6 (784) Get to know this 4.8-km point-to-point trail near Stanley, Southern. Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 2 h 32 min to complete ...


行程:約3小時| 長度:約4.8公里| 難度:非常困難. 衛奕信徑全長約78公里,共分為十段。由黃泥涌水塘至赤柱峽道是此徑的第一段,路程雖然短,卻有挑戰性。

Twin Peaks & Violet Hill Hike in Hong Kong

The Twin Peaks Hike in Hong Kong takes you up and down Violet Hill and gives incredible views over Stanley and the peninsula below.

(香港, 中國)Twins Peak Trail - 旅遊景點評論

評分 4.0 (1) · The Twin Peaks Trail refers to the Wilson Trail Section 1 between the Stanley Gap Road in the south and Wong Nai Gap Road further north on ...